MA – 2017-01-08 – BRETONA – EZIM – by ALBERT VARIN (85)
Pale skinned strawberry blonde Bretona, wrapped in a luxurious white towel, prepares for bed, brushing her teeth. But if you think she’s off to sleep, you’ve got another think coming. This Latvian lovely never even makes it to the bedroom as her towel falls from her body on the stairs and she just can’t resist a little teasing. Smiling sweetly with her small breasts bared, Bretona lifts one leg right up over the railings as she sits on a step, her shaved pussy so pink and sexy. They say the eyes are a window to the soul, and if that’s true, Bretona’s soul is filled with lust; but we feel that you get a much better impression of a beautiful woman like Bretona when she’s on her hands and knees, with her sweet ass up and her legs open, sexy little pussy calling you forwards!