MA – 2016-09-24 – KALEESY – STARIE – by FABRICE (131)
Like a flowerchild, Kaleesy wanders the salt flats naked but for a leather belt around her waist. She carries with her a jug of milk for refreshment, but soon the hot sun has her pouring it over her tanned body. The cool milk runs in rivers down over her firm breasts and flat stomach, trickling into the creases of her pussy. Kaleesy stops and takes a seat on the ground, her legs open wide. Droplets of milk collect on her inner thighs as her dark, full labia part with the erotic act of wetting her slender body. Kaleesy pours more milk over herself; it gushes down her breasts and tingles as it licks at her clitoris. The milk has her wet in more than one sense, and she writhes in the dry earth, the salt sticking to her ass and waist, clinging to her thighs.