MA – 2016-10-12 – LEONA HONEY – ALMEVA – by ALBERT VARIN (120)
Fresh faced Leona Honey may look like butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. Looks can be deceptive, though. When Leona stretches out her long, slim, naked legs and twists at the waist to show that she has no underwear on, it is clear she is no innocent. She lifts her knees up to her chest, then drops one foot to the floor, holding her other in her hand, her wrist partially hiding her smooth-shaven pussy. Standing, her thin sweater hangs gracefully from her shoulders, clinging her to pert breasts, falling short of her slim hips, her neat labia apparent. Leona pulls her top down over one shoulder, exposing her pale breast with small, pink nipple. Once naked, Leona wants to share her most intimate parts with you, kneeling and bending, pulling at her sweet ass, her hot pink pussy peeling open.